Out Now: The Silent Forest

The Silent Forest: Available Now!

I’m so excited to share this book with all of you! After The Misery House sold over 2,000 copies and garnered great reviews, I couldn’t wait to write this one. I had so many ideas for where things could go, climactic endings, and sharp twists in the plot. And now, with The Silent Forest out for you to read, I’m hard at work on Book 3 and the end of this trilogy.

The 3rd book is going to shock you as I turn things up another notch in intensity, but for now, come see me on The Silent Forest Book Tour locally and keep an eye out for a few interviews and even podcasts I’ll be sharing out soon!

I would really appreciate if you left a review, shared the book link with your friends, and helped spread the word. I can’t wait to share the ending of this trilogy with you. It’s all very exciting, and none of it would be possible without your support. Soon, I’ll have more news about The Empty Room. (And yes, that’s a sneaky little Book 3 title announcement just for you. The Empty Room, coming at you Summer 2025.)

In New Haven, everything is changing. And there’s no going back now.

It’s been weeks since Allison went missing, and everyone has given up except for Kaia. New Haven mourns their dead as she keeps looking. And now, she’s starting to find answers.

As the unsolved cases pile up, a new discovery in the forest offers hope. But it also threatens to unbury all of New Haven’s darkest secrets.

For the Woods family, it will take everything they have. For Kaia, it’s the last chance.

There are some shadows you can’t keep underground.

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